Forgiveness: How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible The key to forgiving is to remember that it has NOTHING to do with your feelings. Take your feelings out of the equation. I know that sounds tough, but it’s the only way to truly let go of forgiveness toward someone, maybe someone you love dearly. In […]
The role of women in the church
The Role of Women in the Church: What the Bible Teaches Oh, this topic will certainly stir things up! Some people can get really touchy over this issue. It’s where cultures and church dogma often clash. Many of today’s naysayers automatically refer to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35: “Women should be silent during church meetings. It is […]
Dealing with doubt
Dealing with Doubt: Is It OK to Question Your Faith? It can be easy to doubt when we feel like we’ve faltered or missed the mark in trying to live for Jesus. We’ve all missed the mark (a Jewish idiom for sinning). The important question is: What do we do next? The Bible says that […]
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